While I was getting ready in the morning, a fox (I think . . .) visited the campsite to go through rubbish left behind (look carefully in the middle of the picture)
I set off again early from the night camp. The day started with a 3km walk to #40 road.
After crossing the road, the first climb for the day, with some great views over the Maktesh.
I walked past the "Ammonites wall" where there were lots of clear ammonite fossils (extinct marine life that lived in spiral shells). I was expecting something small, but they were huge (30-40cm diameter I would guess).
There was another (more challenging) climb up to "Shen Ramon", which also had great views over the Maktesh
After that, the trail heading down into the Maktesh, mostly along Nahal Ramon (Ramon river).
The walking in the Maktesh was relatively easy.
I resisted the option to save 5.5km and take the short-cut to Mitzpe Ramon. After a short lunch break under a small tree in the (dry) river, I did the climb up to Mitzpe Ramon. Although it was the biggest climb of the 3 days, it was not too hard. It was very windy, which kept me nice and cool, but I had to take my hat off for fear of it blowing away back into the Maktesh.
The clouds showed strange patterns.
Although I didn't see a lot of wildlife during these 3 days (apart from birds, some deer in the distance, and some foxes at the campsites), I did see some ibex just wandering around Mitzpe Ramon, as you do
Hopefully in Pesach I will manage to walk a few more days!